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Writer's pictureAnnie Cate

Jesus is Better- Part One

You guys... today is my first REAL post!!! Thank you to those who have joined my journey and given me the encouragement I need to make this possible. I wouldn't be here writing this post without you.


Today I'd like to talk about a topic that most people wonder about at least once in their lives: Why does God allow bad things to happen? Does He really care? I'll admit: I have struggled with these questions SO many times.

Late last year, a wonderful teenage girl from one of the district schools was killed in a tragic car crash on her way to class. I can remember the hot tears that followed... the overwhelming hurt, the questions, and the desperate prayers. "Why, God? Why in the world would You let this happen?" God takes things away from us. We can't get around that fact. And it's painful, no matter the circumstance. Whether it's a loved one, an activity, or even a sin, we have to deal with the pain that comes after a loss. The thing is, we're going to experience these losses for the rest of our lives.

My small group leader told us a few weeks ago that God takes us through storms for one of two reasons: to correct us or perfect us. Maybe the storm is rough to correct our ways and fix our eyes on God once again, or maybe it is rough to make us shine brighter for Him. In the case of the sweet teenage girl, it was for perfection- though not in the way you may think.

Those that loved her and had hearts for Jesus went into their schools on fire for Him. They prayed over hurting friends, worshipped God in honor of the girl (in front of all the students), and even saw nonbelievers come to Christ- all because of a car crash. People's hearts were changed. Yes, it's painful, yes, we feel as though we'll never heal. But there is always a purpose.

Just remember: when you go through trials, it's not because God hates you. In fact, it's the opposite. He loves you more than anything else He created. He is molding you and shaping you into a beautiful masterpiece. And like a jar made of clay, you may chip. But just as a potter would, God will restore you and make you better than before.

On a Wednesday night at youth group, my youth pastor spoke on a series called "Jesus is Better." Most of us had no idea what this meant and we waited eagerly to hear what he had to say. Here's a summary:

Jesus is better than hurt, pain, sin, death, sorrow and everything under the sun. Through it all, He is the answer to everything, and He is always with you.

And there you have it. (Thanks, Eric!) No matter the earth-shattering circumstance, Jesus is better. You don't have to lose hope. You don't have to be afraid. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HURT ALONE. Jesus is hurting with you, and He has a plan to bring you safe to shore if only you trust in Him.

And I pray that you have done that. I want that for you so badly it hurts! I want to walk through your pain with you and see how God transforms you. If you ever need any encouragement, just send me a message on the Co-Post page. It doesn't matter what it is.


- What are some times in your life where Jesus was better than what you were experiencing?

- Have you ever seen God move massively in your area? What was it like?



Until next Friday,

Annie Anderson

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Rebelutionary Writes
Rebelutionary Writes
19 gen 2018

Jesus is better than our past mistakes, our guilt, even our future. Thanks for this sweet reminder, Annie! YOU'RE AWESOOMEE <3

Mi piace
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