If you're like me, you just read the title of this post and sighed. For good reason, too. If you're not familiar with this fictional character, Gilbert Blythe is a minor protagonist created by L.M. Montgomery in her series Anne of Green Gables. Charming in both books and movies, readers and viewers from all around the world have fallen in love with Gilbert.
But why?
When I first pondered this question, the first things that came to mind were the most obvious ones- he's handsome and a romantic to boot. Ahem. Those aren't bad things. In fact, they're part of the very identity of Gilbert. But when I dove beneath the surface and thought, and I mean really thought, I came up with this.
Gilbert Blythe is the picture-perfect image of what millions of girls dream of. He is their hopes and dreams come to life.
Don't look at me and say it's not true. I can testify to this, as well as can many of my friends. Gilbert loves Anne with a passion unfading, even when she coldly pushes him away. And, spoiler alert below-
when she finally surrenders to his love, his ecstatic happiness warms the heart of everyone who reads that beautiful scene.
“I have a dream," he said slowly. "I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends -- and you!”
- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island
Oh, my heart. Now look at that and tell me you don't want the same thing. Maybe you have it already, in which case, congratulations! That, my friend, is a beautiful thing to aspire to.
Gilbert isn't perfect. In fact, he teases Anne about her carrot-red hair on several occasions. And maybe that's another reason why we love him. He isn't a sterling, crystal clear knight come to save the day. He makes mistakes, which only cause the reader to fall in love with his character all the more.
He's himself. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now, I want to talk to you teen girls.
In this day and age, nothing is more popular with teens than dating. "Oh no," you may be thinking. "She's here to tell us why dating is the worst thing ever. How judgmental of her." Um, no. I'm not here to condemn anyone. I just want to talk about waiting for your very own Gilbert Blythe.
Dating has an end goal- marriage. That's the way God made it to be. The thing is, our world is slowly forgetting that. We just want to have fun, be satisfied, and happy! I so get it! For real, I do. However, dating isn't the answer. No matter how seemingly perfect this guy is, there is only one person who can satisfy your hungering soul, and it's Jesus. Ladies, He is the only one you need.
Nope, I'm not telling you to go dump your boyfriend. If it's a meaningful relationship and has a Godly intent, don't do that. But honoring the will of both your family and God is most important. If your parents say no to dating, respect them. They know what's best. The thing is, God has the most special person out there for you... if you allow Him to guide you to him. He may not be the spitting image of Gilbert Blythe- maybe not even handsome by the world's standards or our little-girl fantasies. But he will be your Gilbert Blythe. Someone to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. He will love God more than you- and that's the sweetest thing a girl could ask for. He was crafted just for you- from the minute he was created God knew he would one day be yours.
Don't lose sight of that.
No matter what, God's got your entire life planned out. He knows every choice you and your future spouse will ever make. Those choices will lead you to each other.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He is your destiny, your creator and your first love. He's got the whole world in his hands.

Until next Friday,
Annie Cate Anderson