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Meet some of my blogger friends, the coolest people around. Be sure to check them out and show them some love!

Abby @ When Words Fly: In a brand spankin' new blog, Abby Franklin puts in her two cents about life, Ninjago and of course, Jesus!


Aja @ Ajareyy: Honest and sweet, Aja Renee glorifies her savior through words as she portrays the struggles of teen life in a relatable and graceful way.


Jaquelle @ Jaquelle Crowe: Author of This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, Jaquelle unashamedly shares how Jesus has changed her life and given her a new heart.


Beth @ My Thoughts and Faith: In My Thoughts and Faith, Beth shares her struggles and triumphs in a real and unforgettable way.


Kristy @ Dorminy Anecdotes: One of my favorite bloggers, Kristy shares her moving experience and homeschool tips, as well as devotionals to glorify God and bring others close to Him.

Created 2017 by Annie Cate

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